Vegeta Goddess' Dragon Ball Z page
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Greetings Punk!
Hello and welcome peoples of the world! I'm Vegeta Goddess other wise known as the Supreme ruler of the world, well future supreme ruler of the world, first I have to become a primary school teacher so i can warp the minds of children and make them into my minions, Ummm....just ignor that ^_^

This is my Page dedicated to Dragon Ball Z. Mainly Vegeta and Bulma know fanfics and pictues but I'll have some Yamcha bashing stuff>My favourite Z character's would have to be Vegeta, Bulma, Krillen, Chichi and Juunanagou (Android 17.) If people would like to submit their sites to go on my links page, they must be a site about one of these characters.
*My fanfics are not working at the moment because is down, I will update the link as soon as I am able.
*My counter at the bottom of the page somehow got deleted, I'm not happy about that...the entire bottom half of the page somehow got deleted included all my webring links. NOT HAPPY!
*I've posted a new page with some of the pocket bishonen on it I have caught. Click on the pictures to try you rown hand at catching them!
*My fanfic link is up so you can go and read my fics...hooray!

You can email your friend and tell them about my site, just go to the guestbook'll know what to do!

Favourite Link
OK, a new favourite link this month. Its pocket bishonen...basicly you can go and capture your favourite anime character or even a non anime character like Matrix from ReBoot or Jareth from The Labyrinth. Its real fun!
Pocket Bishonen!

Get your own FREE virtual pet at ^_^

4636 (Just add 83 to the counter for the REAL number, stupid deleting virus! Grrrr!) DISCLAIMER: I dont own DBZ